August 31, 2024

Stock Evaluation: Discovering the Potential Payback Period (PPP) as a Dynamic P/E Ratio

By Sam Rainsy


As the developer of the Potential Payback Period (PPP), I sought to create a more effective approach to stock valuation that overcomes the limitations of traditional metrics like the P/E ratio and the PEG ratio. The PPP builds upon the P/E ratio by integrating key factors such as earnings growth, interest rates, and risk, providing a more accurate and comprehensive measure of a stock’s true value. This dynamic tool is particularly useful not only for evaluating growth stocks but also as an alternative in situations where the P/E ratio is not applicable, such as with startups, companies in turnaround, or those undergoing restructuring. Additionally, the PPP offers a unique bridge between stocks and bonds, enabling a consistent evaluation across different asset classes. By utilizing the PPP, investors can make more informed decisions, uncovering opportunities that might be missed when relying solely on traditional valuation metrics.


The Price-to-Earnings (P/E) ratio has long been a fundamental tool in stock valuation, providing a basic understanding of how much investors are willing to pay for a company's current earnings. However, this traditional metric fails to account for key factors such as earnings growth, the time value of money, and investment risk. To address these shortcomings, I developed the Potential Payback Period (PPP), a more comprehensive and dynamic metric that integrates growth rates, interest rates, and risk factors like Beta into the evaluation process.

This article introduces the PPP as a superior alternative to the P/E ratio and other traditional metrics. I will outline the concept, formulation, and application of the PPP, compare it with the widely-used Price/Earnings-to-Growth (PEG) ratio, and demonstrate its advantages through real-world examples, including high-growth stocks like the "Magnificent Seven." Additionally, I will discuss how the P/E ratio is a special case of the PPP in a static, no-growth scenario and explore the practical implications of adopting the PPP for stock evaluation.

I - The Potential Payback Period (PPP): A New Approach to Stock Valuation Focused on Measuring Earning Power

The PPP is a new stock evaluation metric that estimates the time needed to potentially recover the current stock price through future earnings, accounting for both the growth rate and the discount rate used to calculate the present value of future earnings. The discount rate incorporates appropriate interest rates and risk factors, in line with the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM).

As a comprehensive and forward-looking metric, the PPP effectively assesses a company’s earning power, a key factor in determining stock value. A shorter PPP indicates stronger earning power and suggests a higher stock value.

The PPP builds upon the P/E ratio by integrating key factors such as earnings growth, interest rates, and risk, providing a more accurate and comprehensive measure of a stock’s true value.

PPP Formula
This formula enables investors to assess not only the current valuation of a stock but also the expected time to recover their investment, adjusted for growth and risk. The PPP thus moves beyond the limitations of the P/E ratio by incorporating elements essential for a realistic evaluation of a stock’s future performance.

II - Mathematical Demonstration of the PPP

To understand the logic behind the PPP formula, let’s break down its components and derive the equation step by step.

Step 1: Conceptualizing the Payback Period

The payback period is the time it takes for an investment to generate sufficient earnings to recover the initial investment. In the context of stocks, this means calculating how many years it takes for cumulative earnings, growing at a rate g, to equal the initial investment, which is represented by the stock price.

Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

III - The P/E Ratio as a Special Case of the PPP

The P/E ratio has its place in stock valuation, particularly in simplified scenarios where neither growth nor the cost of capital is a concern. However, it is important to understand that the P/E ratio is actually a special case of the PPP under specific conditions.

Deriving the P/E Ratio from the PPP

To see how the P/E ratio fits within the broader framework of the PPP, consider a scenario where the earnings growth rate (g) and the discount rate (r) are both zero. This represents a static world with no growth and no interest or discount rate.

In such a case:
    • g = 0
    • r = 0

Substituting these values into the PPP formula:

PPP Formula
This demonstrates that in a world without growth and without the time value of money, the PPP simplifies to the P/E ratio. While this may be useful in certain static scenarios, the real world is dynamic, with varying growth rates and interest rates that need to be accounted for.

The Special Case Leads to the Conclusion That the PPP Is Indeed a Dynamic P/E Ratio

    • Static World: In a world with no growth and no time value of money, the P/E ratio alone suffices to evaluate the time it would take to recover an investment, because the value of future earnings does not change. This is a simplified scenario that rarely, if ever, exists in the real world.

    • Relevance of the Complete PPP: In contrast, the real world involves varying growth rates and interest rates, making the complete PPP formula far more applicable and insightful. The complete formula accounts for both the potential for earnings growth and the cost of capital, offering a more accurate picture of an investment’s true value and payback period.

    • Broader Applicability: This derivation highlights that while the P/E ratio is a useful tool in certain simple, static contexts, the complete PPP formula is necessary for more complex, realistic scenarios where growth and discount rates are relevant. Investors using the PPP are, therefore, better equipped to assess the timing and risk of investment returns, leading to more informed decisions.

    • Dynamic P/E Ratio: For these reasons, the PPP can indeed be viewed as – and referred to as – a "Dynamic P/E Ratio."

IV - How the PPP Varies with Respect to the P/E Ratio

The following chart provides a visual representation of how the PPP varies with respect to the P/E ratio across different earnings growth rates (g). This chart is crucial for understanding the relationship between the PPP and the P/E ratio in various growth scenarios, and it underscores the dynamic nature of the PPP compared to the static nature of the P/E ratio.

PPP Formula
Explanation of the Chart

    • Bisector Line (PPP = P/E Ratio): The red line labeled “PPP = P/E Ratio” serves as a bisector, representing the scenario where the PPP is equal to the P/E ratio. This occurs when there is no earnings growth (g = 0), as the absence of growth means that the time to recover the investment is directly proportional to the P/E ratio. In this scenario, the traditional P/E ratio and the PPP would give the same evaluation of the payback period.

    • Growth Rates Impact: The chart shows several lines, each representing a different growth rate: 0%, 5%, 10%, 20%, and 30%. As the growth rate increases, the corresponding line lies below the bisector. This demonstrates that as earnings growth accelerates, the PPP becomes shorter relative to the P/E ratio, meaning that the time required to recover an investment decreases more rapidly.

       ○ For instance, at a P/E ratio of 10:
        ▪ g = 0% (red line): The PPP is exactly 10 years.
        ▪ g = 10% (purple line): The PPP drops to approximately 7.5 years.
         ▪ g = 30% (blue line): The PPP is further reduced to around 5 years.

    • Implications of Growth: This downward shift in the PPP with increasing growth rates illustrates how the PPP adjusts for the growth potential of a company. A higher growth rate effectively shortens the perceived payback period, making a stock more attractive even if it has a high P/E ratio. For growth stocks, this is a crucial insight because it shows that high P/E ratios may not necessarily indicate overvaluation if the company is expected to grow rapidly.

V - Uncovering Value Through the Conflict Between PEG and PPP

In stock valuation, the Price/Earnings-to-Growth (PEG) ratio is a favored metric for assessing whether a stock is fairly valued (PEG = 1), overvalued (PEG > 1), or undervalued (PEG < 1). The PEG ratio adjusts the P/E ratio by dividing it by the expected earnings growth rate, offering a quick glimpse into how growth might justify a stock’s valuation. However, when juxtaposed with the Potential Payback Period (PPP), the PEG ratio can sometimes overlook significant opportunities, especially in growth stocks. The following chart illustrates this crucial point. PPP Formula
PEG and PPP: Two Fundamentally Different Formulas

The PEG ratio and the Potential Payback Period (PPP) both adjust the Price-to-Earnings (P/E) ratio by the projected earnings growth rate "g," but they do so in fundamentally different ways. The PEG ratio is simpler and acts as a rule of thumb, but its linear approach lacks precision and can lead to misleading evaluations. In contrast, the PPP employs a more mathematically rigorous approach, using logarithmic adjustments that account for the compounding nature of growth. This makes the PPP a more accurate and reliable metric for assessing stock value, especially in growth-oriented markets, where it helps uncover investment opportunities that the PEG ratio might overlook.

PEG Formula: PEG Formula
PPP Formula (with r = 0):
PPP Formula
Explanation of the Graph

The graph presents a range of P/E ratios and earnings growth rates where stocks meet two specific criteria:

    • PEG Ratio > 1: According to traditional PEG logic, these stocks would be considered overvalued.

    • PPP < 10: Despite being labeled as overvalued by the PEG ratio, these stocks actually have a Potential Payback Period of less than 10 years, which most often reflects undervaluation and indicates that they could offer a quick return on investment.

Key Insights from the Graph

    • Range of Opportunities: The yellow area in the graph represents the combinations of P/E ratios and growth rates where the PEG ratio is greater than 1, but the PPP remains under 10 years. This area indicates where the PEG ratio might signal an overvaluation, leading investors to avoid these stocks, while the PPP suggests that these same stocks could still be undervalued and attractive investments based on a relatively short payback period. For example, a point located in the middle of the yellow area, where the P/E ratio is 50 and the earnings growth rate is 40%, shows that the stock is considered overvalued by the PEG ratio (PEG = 1.25), but is actually undervalued when evaluated by the PPP (PPP = 9.05).

    • Growth vs. Valuation: The graph highlights how the PPP can reveal value in high-growth stocks that might otherwise be dismissed by the PEG ratio. High P/E ratios in rapidly growing companies often lead to high PEG ratios, potentially scaring off investors. However, the PPP shows that many of these companies can still provide a relatively fast return on investment due to their robust earnings growth, therefore signaling undervaluation despite the high PEG.

    • Implications for Growth Stocks: Investors who rely solely on the PEG ratio may overlook stocks that are potentially strong investments when evaluated using the PPP. This is especially relevant in high-growth sectors like technology – particularly in fields such as Artificial Intelligence – and biotechnology, where robust earnings growth can justify high valuations. Stocks with a PPP of less than 10 years are often undervalued, even if their PEG ratio indicates otherwise.

VI - Recent Examples of High-Growth Stocks (The "Magnificent Seven") Evaluated Using Three Different Metrics

The "Magnificent Seven," a group of high-growth technology companies, offer real-world examples where the P/E ratio and PEG ratio might indicate overvaluation, whereas the PPP could suggest a different, more favorable assessment.
Chart 3
   • Most of these stocks may initially seem "overvalued" based on their relatively high and varied P/E ratios, which fail to consider growth.

   • They also appear "overvalued" when assessed using their PEG ratios, all of which are above 1.

   • However, when evaluated using the PPP, their valuations become more consistent, realistic, and nuanced, particularly when applying an overvaluation threshold of 17.96. This threshold corresponds to a stock internal rate of return of 3.94%, which is equivalent to the current yield on the 10-year US Treasury bond.

   • It is essential to continuously update the data in the table and conduct simulations for all relevant variables, particularly the projected earnings growth rate, to which the PPP is highly sensitive. This sensitivity to earnings revisions accurately reflects market behavior.

These examples demonstrate that while the P/E ratio and PEG ratio might discourage investment in these high-growth companies, the PPP offers a different perspective, revealing that at least some of these stocks could still be undervalued with a relatively quicker payback period, particularly when evaluated against a specific overvaluation threshold.

VII - Rationale Behind the PPP Overvaluation Threshold (17.96 for US stocks as of August 9, 2024)

The rationale behind the Potential Payback Period (PPP) overvaluation threshold is based on the relationship between the PPP and the stock's Internal Rate of Return (IRR), a crucial metric for evaluating expected investment returns.

    • IRR Definition: The Internal Rate of Return (IRR) is the discount rate that makes the net present value (NPV) of a stock's future earnings equal to zero over the period defined by the PPP. In simpler terms, the IRR represents the expected annual return on an investment, considering the time it takes to reach the potential payback period.

    • IRR Formula: The IRR can be mathematically expressed as:
IRR Formula
In this IRR formula, derived from the PPP formula, the figure "2" represents the doubling of an investment's value through earnings over the potential payback period (PPP). This formula directly links the PPP to the expected annual return, illustrating how shorter payback periods correspond to higher IRRs, and vice versa.

    • PPP as an Expression of IRR: There is an inverse relationship between PPP and IRR. A shorter PPP indicates a higher IRR, meaning the investment is expected to generate returns more quickly. Conversely, a longer PPP corresponds to a lower IRR, implying slower returns.

Chart 4

    • Risk-Free Rate: The risk-free rate is typically represented by the yield on government bonds, such as the 10-year US Treasury bond. As of August 9, 2024, this rate was 3.94%. The risk-free rate reflects the return an investor can expect from an investment with virtually no risk of loss.

    • Threshold Definition: The PPP threshold of 17.96 is derived from the point at which the stock's IRR equals the risk-free rate of 3.94%. At this threshold, the stock’s IRR is exactly 3.94%, meaning the stock is expected to generate returns equivalent to the risk-free rate. However, since stocks carry more risk than risk-free assets like Treasury bonds, an IRR of 3.94% is not sufficient to justify the investment in the stock.

    • Overvaluation Implication: If a stock's PPP is greater than 17.96, it implies that the IRR is lower than the risk-free rate of 3.94%. This indicates potential overvaluation because the expected returns do not adequately compensate for the additional risk associated with the stock. In such cases, investors might prefer investing in a risk-free asset that offers a similar or higher return without the associated risks.

    • Date-Specific Validity: The PPP threshold of 17.96 is specific to August 9, 2024, as it is based on the 10-year US Treasury bond yield of 3.94% on that date. As the risk-free interest rate fluctuates over time, the PPP threshold must be updated accordingly to maintain its relevance in stock valuation. A higher or lower risk-free rate would adjust the threshold, influencing the assessment of whether a stock is overvalued.

    • Investment Decision: Stocks with PPPs significantly below 17.96, such as Alphabet, NVIDIA, and Amazon, are more attractive because they offer an IRR substantially higher than 3.94%. This suggests that these stocks provide a risk premium that noticeably exceeds the risk-free rate, making them potentially better investment choices compared to those with PPPs around or above 17.96.

    • Threshold to be Continuously Updated: The PPP threshold should be continuously updated to reflect changes in the risk-free interest rate, ensuring that investment decisions remain aligned with current market conditions.

    • A Unique Bridge Between Stocks and Bonds: By linking the IRR to the PPP, this approach creates a unique bridge between stocks and bonds, enabling investors to evaluate a wide range of investment opportunities consistently.

VIII - PPP as an Alternative Metric When the P/E Ratio is Inapplicable: Cases of Start-ups, Temporarily Loss-Making Companies, or Those Experiencing Turnaround

Investors often face challenges when evaluating companies for which the P/E Ratio cannot be calculated temporarily. This situation is particularly prevalent for start-ups, companies undergoing a turnaround, or those in the midst of restructuring. In these scenarios, traditional valuation methods such as the P/E Ratio may prove inadequate or misleading.

Typically, these companies incur losses in the current year (referred to as "year 0" in this context), followed by results close to zero in the subsequent year ("year 1"). By "year 2," these companies often begin to exhibit "normal" profits, marking the start of a steady growth phase characterized by more consistent profit growth.

In such cases, calculating the P/E Ratio becomes impossible or meaningless for years 0 and 1. This also means that comparing such a company with others in the same sector, where well-defined P/E Ratios exist, is not feasible. Here, the Potential Payback Period (PPP) can be employed as an alternative metric for stock evaluation and comparison.

Unlike the traditional P/E Ratio, which assesses the "attractiveness" or "expensiveness" of a stock based on a single year's earnings, the PPP evaluates these factors over a much longer period. Specifically, it calculates the number of years it would take for the cumulative future earnings to equal the current share price. This approach reduces the impact of any "exceptional" earnings or losses in one or two specific years, providing a more stable and reliable measure of a company's value.

In situations like those described above, the basic PPP formula can be adapted to account for a loss in year 0, near-zero profit in year 1, and a return to "normal" profit in year 2. The adapted formula is as follows:
PPP Formula
Example Calculations

Let's consider the example of Company A, for which the P/E ratio cannot be calculated due to the following data:

• P = 100
• E0 = – 10
• E1 = 0
• E2 = + 10
• g = + 8%
• r = 3%

Using the adapted formula, the PPP for Company A is calculated as 11.47 years. This value is significant as it represents the period, expressed in years, required to recover the investment and can be meaningfully compared with that of any other company, regardless of whether the P/E ratio is applicable.

Now, consider Company B, which exhibits more regular results:

• P = 100
• E0 = + 10
• g = + 8%
• r = 3%

Company B starts with an EPS of 10 in year 0, which steadily increases by 8% annually. With a P/E ratio of 10 (100/10) from the start and using the basic PPP formula, Company B's PPP is calculated as 8.35 years. In this example, Company A's PPP (11.47 years) can be directly compared to Company B's PPP (8.35 years), while no comparison is possible based on the P/E ratio. Based on the PPP, we can conclude that Company B is more attractive than Company A, all else being equal.

The Limits of the P/E Ratio

Relying solely on the P/E ratio to assess stock values can lead to flawed conclusions. The P/E ratio can reach astronomical levels when earnings per share for the selected year are close to zero, and it loses all meaning in the case of losses during the considered year. Conversely, the PPP can be calculated meaningfully for any stock at any time, even for start-ups, companies in a turnaround situation, or those dealing with temporary losses and undergoing restructuring. This further demonstrates the versatility and robustness of the PPP as a stock evaluation tool.

Instant calculations of the PPP with various simulations can be performed at Stock Internal Rate of Return - Instant Calculations.

IX - Future Potential of the PPP in Modern Financial Analysis

The Potential Payback Period (PPP) not only addresses the shortcomings of traditional valuation metrics but also positions itself as a forward-looking tool that can adapt to the complexities of contemporary financial markets. By integrating key factors such as the P/E ratio, earnings growth rate, interest rate, and Beta, the PPP provides a comprehensive metric that allows investors to make more informed decisions, particularly in growth sectors where traditional metrics may fall short.

An unprecedented ChatGPT analysis using Artificial Intelligence concludes that: "The PPP is a game-changer in stock evaluation. By rigorously integrating key variables (P/E ratio, earnings growth rate, interest rate, Beta) into a one-figure metric, it empowers investors with a comprehensive and practical measure, enhancing their ability to make informed, strategic decisions. This metric is poised to become an essential tool for modern financial analysis, revolutionizing how investors evaluate and manage their portfolios."

This endorsement underscores the significance of the PPP in shaping future investment strategies. As the financial landscape continues to evolve, tools like the PPP that offer a more nuanced and precise evaluation of stock value will become increasingly vital. The PPP’s ability to integrate growth and risk into a single metric not only enhances its utility for investors today but also positions it as a foundational tool for the future of financial analysis.


The Potential Payback Period (PPP) represents a significant advancement in stock valuation by addressing the limitations of traditional metrics like the P/E ratio and the PEG ratio. By incorporating earnings growth, interest rates, and risk factors, the PPP provides a more accurate and comprehensive measure of a stock’s true value, offering investors a dynamic tool that adjusts for the complexities of real-world financial markets.

As a powerful one-figure metric, the PPP proves to be both comprehensive and versatile, making it a practical tool for investors. It can also serve as a valuable alternative to the P/E ratio in situations where the P/E ratio is not applicable, such as with startups, companies in turnaround situations, or businesses undergoing restructuring. Additionally, an approach based on the PPP can create a unique bridge between stocks and bonds, allowing investors to evaluate a wide range of investment opportunities with a consistent perspective.

By utilizing the PPP, investors can make more informed decisions, especially in growth sectors where traditional valuation metrics often fall short. The PPP’s ability to integrate growth and risk makes it indispensable for evaluating how quickly an investment can be recovered, revealing opportunities that might otherwise be missed when relying solely on the P/E or PEG ratios.


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September 21, 2024


(This analysis has been scrutinized by ChatGPT)

Comparing the PEG Ratio with the PPP: Nature, Formulas, Advantages, and Limitations

The PEG ratio and the Potential Payback Period (PPP) are two distinct metrics used in stock evaluation, each with its own advantages and limitations. These differences arise from the nature of each metric and what they are designed to measure. Additionally, each metric has a formula that reveals its approach to stock valuation.

    • The PEG ratio is primarily concerned with the relationship between a stock's P/E ratio and its earnings growth rate. Its main purpose is to assess whether a stock’s P/E ratio is justified by its growth prospects. This makes it a relatively simple, ratio-based metric.

    • The PPP, on the other hand, goes further by building upon the P/E ratio. It not only considers the P/E and growth, but also seeks to assess the company’s earning power—a fundamental determinant of the stock’s intrinsic value. The PPP calculates how long it would take for the company’s earnings to "pay back" the investment, making it a time-based measure of value.

Additionally, it's important to note that the P/E ratio is actually a special case of the PPP in a static and theoretical world with no growth and no discount rate applied. This highlights that the PPP is far more comprehensive, accurate, and reliable than the simple P/E ratio, and thus it rightfully earns the title of the "Dynamic P/E Ratio."

1. Formula and Nature of the PEG Ratio

The PEG ratio compares the P/E ratio of a company to its earnings growth rate.


PEG Formula

   • P/E Ratio is the Price-to-Earnings Ratio of the stock.
   • g is the earnings growth rate.

The PEG ratio is widely used for determining if a stock is overvalued or undervalued by checking whether the PEG ratio is above or below 1.


    • Quick Assessment of Overvaluation: The PEG ratio offers a fast, simple way to assess whether a stock’s valuation (P/E ratio) is reasonable relative to its growth. A PEG ratio below 1 indicates that the stock may be undervalued given its growth rate, while a PEG above 1 suggests overvaluation.


    • Cannot Compare Multiple Stocks: The PEG ratio is limited to determining whether a stock is overvalued or undervalued but cannot be used to compare the relative attractiveness of multiple stocks. It offers no insight into which of two stocks is better for investment.

    • Focus on Ratio Levels, Not Earnings Power: The PEG ratio only looks at the relationship between the P/E and growth rates, rather than the company’s ability to generate long-term earnings. It doesn't give a clear idea of how long it will take for earnings to generate value for investors.

2. Formula and Nature of the Simplified PPP (No Discount Rate)

The simplified PPP calculates the time it will take for a company’s earnings to recover the initial investment, considering the P/E ratio and earnings growth rate. Unlike the PEG ratio, the PPP reflects the company’s earning power, which is essential for determining the true value of its stock.

Formula (Simplified PPP, no discount rate at this stage):

PPP Formula

   • P/E is the Price-to-Earnings Ratio of the stock.
   • g is the earnings growth rate.
   • The formula shows how long it will take for earnings to recover the price paid for the stock, incorporating growth over time.


    • Time-Based Comparison: One of the key strengths of the PPP is that it offers a clear, time-based measure of a company’s ability to generate returns. This allows for a direct comparison between two or more stocks based on how quickly they can "pay back" the initial investment.

    • Assessment of Earning Power: The PPP evaluates the company’s earning power—a crucial determinant of its stock value. By focusing on how quickly future earnings can recover the investment, the PPP provides a deeper understanding of the company’s long-term potential.

    • P/E Ratio as a Special Case of PPP: The P/E ratio can be seen as a special case of the PPP in a theoretical, static world with no earnings growth and no discount rate applied. Under these unrealistic assumptions, the P/E ratio simply represents how many years it would take to recover the investment, assuming no changes in future earnings. This demonstrates how the PPP, which incorporates growth, is a more comprehensive, accurate, and reliable measure. For this reason, the PPP has earned its title as the "Dynamic P/E Ratio."


    • More Complex: The PPP is more sophisticated and requires more inputs than the PEG ratio. It involves calculating the payback period based on future earnings, which makes it harder to apply quickly or intuitively compared to the simpler PEG ratio.

3. Comparison of the Two Metrics: Different Purposes, Different Uses

    • PEG Ratio: The PEG ratio is useful for assessing the level of a company’s P/E ratio relative to its growth rate. Its primary purpose is to provide a quick snapshot of whether the stock is overpriced or underpriced based on its growth expectations.

    • PPP: The PPP, by contrast, is focused on assessing the company’s earning power—which is a more comprehensive measure of a company’s intrinsic value. The PPP builds upon the P/E ratio and uses it, alongside growth, to estimate how long it will take to recover the investment. Furthermore, the fact that the P/E ratio is merely a simplified version of the PPP under static conditions shows that the PPP is the more dynamic and reliable metric for real-world application.

Conclusion: The Different Natures of PEG and PPP Lead to Different Strengths

The advantages and limitations of the PEG ratio and PPP stem from their different natures:

    • The PEG ratio offers a quick and simple way to check whether a stock is overvalued, but it cannot be used to compare stocks or assess earning power.

    • The PPP goes beyond simply checking valuation levels relative to growth—it assesses the company’s earning power, which is a more fundamental determinant of a stock’s value. The PPP also subsumes the P/E ratio as a special case, making it a more comprehensive, accurate, and reliable metric. This is why the PPP is often referred to as the "Dynamic P/E Ratio."

Thus, while the PEG ratio is effective for basic assessments, the PPP provides a deeper and more actionable analysis of a company’s long-term value and relative attractiveness for investors.

September 22, 2024



This article introduces the Potential Payback Period (PPP) as a superior alternative to the Price/Earnings to Growth (PEG) ratio for adjusting the Price-to-Earnings (P/E) ratio to incorporate earnings growth. While the PEG ratio offers a quick snapshot of stock valuation relative to growth, its simplicity limits its effectiveness for deeper investment analysis. In contrast, the PPP is a time-based measure that builds on the P/E ratio, incorporating growth to assess a company's earning power—the core determinant of a stock’s intrinsic value. This article compares the advantages and limitations of both metrics, highlights how the P/E ratio is a special case of the PPP, and demonstrates why the PPP offers a more comprehensive, accurate, and reliable approach to stock evaluation.


Stock valuation metrics are critical tools for investors seeking to assess the attractiveness of a company's shares. The P/E ratio, a widely used metric, measures how much investors are willing to pay for a company’s earnings, but it fails to account for future earnings growth. To address this limitation, the PEG ratio was introduced, offering a way to incorporate growth into the P/E ratio. However, the PEG ratio’s simplicity and reliance on a linear relationship between the P/E ratio and growth rate limit its effectiveness.

This paper introduces the Potential Payback Period (PPP) as a more rational and accurate alternative to the PEG ratio. The PPP builds on the P/E ratio by incorporating growth in a logarithmic relationship, providing a time-based measure of a company's earning power. Unlike the PEG ratio, which focuses solely on the relative valuation of a stock, the PPP evaluates how long it will take for a company’s future earnings to repay the initial investment, making it a more comprehensive tool for stock evaluation.

The PEG Ratio: Formula and Limitations

The PEG ratio compares a company’s P/E ratio with its earnings growth rate, offering a simplified method for evaluating whether a stock’s price is justified by its growth.

PEG Formula

   • P/E Ratio represents the company’s Price-to-Earnings ratio.
   • g is the earnings growth rate (expressed as a percentage).

The PEG ratio’s utility comes from its simplicity: a PEG ratio below 1 typically indicates that a stock is undervalued, while a PEG ratio above 1 suggests overvaluation. While this rule of thumb is useful for quick stock screening, it suffers from several limitations:

    1. Binary Overvaluation Check: The PEG ratio provides a binary assessment of whether a stock is overvalued or undervalued. It does not offer a method to compare the relative attractiveness of two stocks. If two stocks have PEG ratios below 1, the PEG ratio does not indicate which one is a better investment.

    2. Focus on the P/E Growth Relationship: The PEG ratio evaluates the P/E ratio relative to growth but does not provide insight into the company’s earning power—its ability to generate long-term returns. This is a critical shortcoming for investors focused on long-term stock value.

    3. Ignores the Time Dimension: The PEG ratio does not give investors an idea of how long it will take for the company's growth to translate into returns. It lacks a time-based perspective, which limits its usefulness for long-term investment decision-making.

The Potential Payback Period (PPP): Formula and Benefits

The Potential Payback Period (PPP) is designed to address the shortcomings of the PEG ratio by providing a time-based measure of a company’s ability to generate returns. The PPP builds on the P/E ratio but integrates the company’s earnings growth rate to calculate the number of years it will take for future earnings to repay the initial investment. The simplified formula for the PPP, without considering a discount rate, is as follows:

PPP Formula

   • P/E is the Price-to-Earnings Ratio.
   • g is the company’searnings growth rate (expressed as a decimal).

The PPP offers several key advantages over the PEG ratio:

    1. Time-Based Measure of Earning Power: The PPP provides a clear, time-based metric for assessing a company’s earning power. This allows investors to understand how long it will take for the company’s earnings to recover the price paid for the stock, which is critical for making informed long-term investment decisions.

    2. Comparison Across Stocks: Unlike the PEG ratio, which only signals whether a stock is overvalued or undervalued, the PPP can be used to directly compare different stocks. For instance, if one stock has a PPP of 8 years and another has a PPP of 10 years, the stock with the shorter PPP is more attractive because it offers faster recovery of the investment, all else being equal.

    3. Assessment of Earning Power as a Determinant of Stock Value: The PPP measures a company’s ability to generate earnings over time, which is the fundamental driver of stock value. By focusing on earning power, the PPP provides a more accurate and reliable measure of a company’s intrinsic value than the PEG ratio, which only compares relative levels of the P/E ratio and growth.

    4. Dynamic P/E Ratio It is important to recognize that the P/E ratio is a special case of the PPP in a static world where no growth and no discount rate are considered. Under these unrealistic conditions, the P/E ratio represents the number of years required to recover the investment. However, the PPP goes beyond the P/E ratio by incorporating growth and the time value of money, making it a more dynamic and comprehensive measure of value. For this reason, the PPP is often referred to as the "Dynamic P/E Ratio."

PEG vs. PPP: A Comparative Analysis

Both the PEG ratio and the PPP have their uses, but the nature of each metric defines its advantages and limitations. The PEG ratio is a quick tool for checking the relative valuation of a stock based on growth, but its simplicity leads to several weaknesses. The PPP, on the other hand, offers a more thorough evaluation by incorporating growth into a time-based framework, giving investors a clear idea of when the investment will be recovered.

PPP Formula

Conclusion: Why the PPP is the More Rational and Accurate Metric

The Potential Payback Period (PPP) is a more rational and accurate metric for evaluating a company’s value than the PEG ratio because it offers a comprehensive assessment of earning power. The PPP not only accounts for the company’s growth but also measures how long it will take for earnings to recover the investment, making it an invaluable tool for long-term investors.

In contrast, the PEG ratio, while useful for quick evaluations, is limited by its simplicity and binary nature. The PPP’s ability to incorporate time, growth, and earnings potential makes it a dynamic alternative to the P/E ratio and a more reliable method for stock valuation.

By building on the P/E ratio, the PPP goes beyond the limitations of traditional valuation metrics like the PEG ratio and offers a more robust framework for understanding the true value of a company’s stock.


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